PANAJI: Beginning the outreach initiative to prepare the future generations for industry’s requirement, Goa Technology Association (GTA) signed a first of its kind ‘Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)’ today with a state government college as Government College of Arts, Science & Commerce-Khandola became a trailblazer by joining hands with GTA.
Khandola College Principal, Professor Purnakala Samant signed the MoU with GTA’s Founder-President, Mangirish Salelkar doing the honours on behalf of the state body for tech-industry.
As part of the MoU, Khandola College students will get the benefits ranging from internships, knowledge sessions from industry experts, expertise for upskilling & tweaking to suit the industry demands, bootcamps experience and placements.

Co-ordinator of MoU, Associate professor Anita Raicar, Computer Science department’s HOD, Associate professor Sujata Gaonkar and Computer Science teachers were present for the MoU signing, among others.