Goa Sudharop won the prestigious Goa Star Women Award 2023 (NGO category) recently. Being recognized for their initiatives towards empowerment of women, this award also salutes women achievers in various fields, stated a press release.

Goa Sudharop has been actively working in the field of social work since 2000 without fanfare or calling attention to its body of work.

During the pandemic, Goa Sudharop reached out to the needy and medical community with important medical supplies, meals, etc. In addition, the international NGO launched a project to revive the Kunbi sari, a project which has received worldwide acclaim and allowed Goa Sudharop to single-handedly restore pride in this lost Goan fabric/symbol.

Since 2000, Goa Sudharop has conducted various workshops related to education, the environment, children/women rights, gender sensitivity, etc. and projects related to carpentry, pottery, painting, farming and much more. Each project is designed to provide low-income people (primarily women) an opportunity to learn new skills and and earn an income, achieve self-sufficiency and economic independence.

USA-based President of Goa Sudharop, Harriet Ferens, expressed her gratitude to the organisers for recognising the Goa Sudharop team and their work for the underprivileged and said: “The entire organisation of volunteer staff, donors, supporters, and well-wishers are extremely pleased with this award. We will strive to further our efforts with many activities in the future.”

Goa-based Executive Director, Verma D’Mello said: “We have strived to host many training programs for underprivileged women to raise their employment potential. We have a strong team behind Goa Sudharop and we always look to see how we can contribute back to society.”


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