As per the final electoral roll 2024 published on 05/01/2024, the total voters registered in the State of Goa were 1167237, out of which 575910 were in North Goa and 591327 in South Goa. Goa will vote on 7th May 2024.
The Electoral Roll was updated further till 19/04/2024 i.e last date of receiving nominations. The Total Electors for state of Goa as on 19/4/2024 is as follows.

The details of the total PwD electors, electors above the age of 85 years, electors within the age group of 18-19 years and overseas electors for state of Goa are as follows.

During the continuous updation process total number of electors added in electoral roll from final electoral roll 2024 published on 5/01/2024 to last date of receiving nomination i.e 19/04/2024 are 19,949 and total number of deleted voters are 7544. The details of the total deleted electors for the state of Goa are as follows.