PANAJI: On the occasion of ‘National Fish Farmers Day 2022’, ICAR-CCARI-Goa organised a national campaign on “Emerging Aquaculture Systems and Practices”, through an online webinar on “Seaweed Aquaculture” on 11th July, 2022 under Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav.
Dr. Vaibhav Mantri, Sr. Principal Scientist, CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, Gujarat was the resource person and a total of 70 participants attended the webinar. Dr. Parveen Kumar, Director ICAR-CCARI, highlighted the importance of seaweed aquaculture along with its uses and economic value, which can be useful in the sustainable development of fisheries livelihood in coastal region. He assured full technical support from the institute for seaweed culture development activities in the state of Goa and coastal region.
Dr. Shirish Narnaware, Section In-Charge, Animal and Fishery Science, ICAR-CCARI, emphasised the role of local communities/self-help groups in promoting the seaweed aquaculture as an income source. Trivesh Mayekar, Scientist (Fish Genetics and Breeding), ICAR-CCARI, briefed on the status of seaweed aquaculture, its global and Indian scenario, uses and applications of seaweed, culture methods, the import and export scenario, the commercially important seaweed species and funding under PMMSY.
The guest lecturer, Dr. Vaibhav Mantri, highlighted seaweed history and diversity, economic scenario of seaweed culture, technological advances in the recent years in seaweed cultivation and it’s processing in India. Further he described different cultivation methods of commercially important seaweeds and experimental culture practices developed by CSMCRI. He highlighted the research gaps and challenges that need to be solved for promotion of seaweed aquaculture in India.
Dr. Vaibhav Mantri recommended the participants to attend the field training programs organised by CSMCRI to gain more practical knowledge. Trivesh Mayekar (Fish genetics and breeding) and Dr. Sreekanth GB, Scientist (Fisheries Resource Management), ICAR-CCARI, co-ordinated the webinar.