DiscoverShe, an initiative launched by I-Venture @ ISB, the entrepreneurship arm of the Indian School of Business (ISB), kicked off its inaugural yatra on March 21 and 22, 2024, at Miramar, North Goa. The yatra, held in collaboration with partners including ASSOCHAM, GCCI Women’s Wing, Go Womania, and Tarang Goa, brought together women micro-entrepreneurs from across Goa for a 2-day comprehensive boot camp, states a press release.
Recognising the unique challenges faced by women micro-entrepreneurs in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities in India, DiscoverShe strives to support these women, unleash their potential, and transform their dreams into reality. Limited access to capital, infrastructure constraints, and socio-cultural barriers often stand in their way, with banks hesitant to lend without collateral and market linkages being scarce.
DiscoverShe aims to bridge these gaps and provide support where it’s needed the most. Representatives from the partners included Pallavi Salgaocar, Chairperson of the Women Empowerment & Development Committee, Assocham Goa Council; Asha Arondekar, Chairperson, GCCI Women’s Wing; Siya Shaikh, Founder, Go Womania; and Sweta Chari, Founder & CEO, Tarang Goa.
Pallavi Salgaocar said, “I truly believe that initiatives like DiscoverShe will empower women micro-entrepreneurs by providing them with the necessary support, making it an essential pillar for building a more equitable and prosperous future for Goa.”
“We empower women in Goa in different ways and collaborating with ISB’s DiscoverShe is a great way to change the mindset to a growth mindset, and empower women,” expressed Asha Arondekar.
Siya Shaikh said, “ISB’s first boot camp is a gateway for micro-entrepreneurs in Goa, offering expert insights from global startup leaders, nurturing women’s potential to propel progress and create a more inclusive platform.”
Prof. Bhagwan Chowdhry, Faculty Director, I-Venture @ ISB, said, “DiscoverShe’s Miramar yatra provided an excellent platform for women entrepreneurs to network, learn, and grow. This event marked the beginning of an exciting journey towards fostering collaboration, raising awareness, and building a supportive ecosystem for women-led enterprises across India.”
Other experts who shared their insights at DiscoverShe included Nilesh Lele, President, Chamber for Advancement of Small and Medium Businesses (CASMB); Anuradha Kedia, Co-founder, The Better India; Richa Shrivastava, Director, Maker’s Asylum; Thejus Joseph, Interim CEO, FiiRE; Rahul Bahadur, CEO, Energy Swaraj Foundation; and Abhishek Singh, Incubation Manager, AIC GIM.
The 2-day boot camp offered a diverse range of sessions aimed at equipping participants with essential entrepreneurial skills, including Mindset Building, Business Model Canvas, Packaging, Pricing Strategy and Funding Options, Peer Group Activity: Tear down, Refine, Pitch Prep, Social Media and Content, and Introduction to DPR.