The Nature Club of St Joseph Vaz College, Cortalim, in association with Department of Botany and supported by Goa State Biodiversity Board organised Vriksh Mitra on 31st July 2023 in the college campus.
The objective of the programme was to inspire students and staff members to befriend and plant a tree in small groups in order to create awareness about the importance of community-based tree care, in maintaining the ecological balance for ensuring environmental stability.
The programme commenced with Prof. Simao R. Diniz, the Administrator of the college, addressing the gathering. He emphasised the importance of Vanamahotsav and urged every student and teacher to take this tree plantation seriously.

Dr. Fr. Bolmax Pereira, Assistant professor in Botany, explained the Vriksha Mitra initiative under which every Tree in the college campus will have a friend. Every student and teaching and non teaching staff will plant, nurture and take care of the plant alloted to their group under the Vriksha Mitra programme.
Plants like Cassia fistula, Syzygium cumini, Tecoma stans, Tectona grandis, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Swietenia mahogany, Garcinia indica, Mangifera indica, Artocarpus heterophyllus etc. were provided by Goa State Biodiversity Board.
Twenty five groups were formed by the Nature Club. Each group planted one plant in the college campus and carried one plant home individually thereby befriending the plant. Overall the event was successful in achieving its objective. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Nikita Verenkar, the convenor of the Nature Club, stated a press release.