Nhehern Acharya’s name is synonymous with Yoga sport in Goa due to his phenomenal achievement of being seven-time international Yoga champion and 10-time national champion.

Excelling in the sport from a tender age before emerging as a brilliant professional in the field of physiotherapy, Dr. Acharya is all set to share “a study on using Yoga for patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis”.

Www.Livenewsgoa.com caught up with Bengaluru-based Dr. Nhehern Acharya on the eve of the International Day of Yoga 2024.


LNG. Yoga has grown massively since last 10 years with the inception of June 21 as International Day of Yoga. What according to you has been the most noticeable societal change?

NA.  International Day of Yoga has sparked a significant societal transformation by showcasing the multifaceted benefits of Yoga. The most notable change is the growing acceptance of Yoga as a valuable tool for mental health. This shift has transformed Yoga from a niche practice into a mainstream lifestyle choice, promoting holistic health. Many of my clients prefer incorporating Yoga alongside their strength and conditioning routines, which has greatly enhanced their overall health by complementing physical fitness with mental and emotional well-being.

LNG. How do you see Yoga becoming even more popular or vibrant with various formats being preached and practiced? Any cons in this evolution of various new forms of yoga as youngsters are being attracted?

NA. Yoga’s evolution into various styles and formats has been fascinating. From ‘power yoga’ to ‘aerial yoga’, these new forms are making Yoga exciting and accessible, especially for younger generations. However, a concern is that Yoga is often treated as a fad, with people jumping into advanced poses without proper guidance, leading to a significant increase in injuries. This results in a superficial understanding of Yoga’s benefits and, worryingly, to injuries when not practiced with caution.

Scientific studies highlight that improper techniques and lack of qualified instruction can result in musculoskeletal injuries. In fact, over time, I have encountered firm opposition against the benefits of yoga compared to other forms of exercise. This opposition provides perspective on the general reasons for people’s aversion to Yoga. The incidence of injuries and the skewed risk-to-reward ratio due to poor practice could be significant factors. I believe it’s crucial to approach Yoga with respect and proper guidance to truly benefit from its holistic advantages.

LNG. From being world champion Yoga athlete to being a doctor of physiotherapy, how have u used Yoga to excel in your life?

NA. Yoga has been a key part of my journey, both as an individual and as a physiotherapist. The discipline, focus, and body awareness I gained from Yoga competitions have been incredibly valuable for my personal development. In my physiotherapy practice, I use Yoga techniques to help with rehabilitation and teach Yoga to ensure people learn it safely and avoid injuries. There’s plenty of scientific evidence showing how Yoga improves flexibility, strength, and mental health, and I see these benefits in my patients every day.

Recently, I published a study on using Yoga for patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis, which I’ll share on World Yoga Day. This research, guided by top experts in rheumatology and physiotherapy Dr. Dharmanada, Dr. Prem, and Dr. Karvannan highlights how Yoga can be used as a transformative tool for managing chronic conditions. I am excited to share these findings and contribute to the growing body of evidence supporting the holistic benefits of Yoga.

LNG. What’s been your most exciting moment in practise of Yoga?

NA. Winning my first international Yoga championship was of course incredibly exciting. But me winning at Argentina in 2010 just about a month after a serious fracture to my arm was probably the most rewarding sensation of accomplishment at the time (and no I didn’t injure it practicing Yoga. It was a fall from my cycle XD). It wasn’t just about the victory but about the culmination of years of dedication and overcoming personal challenges. Additionally I’d also say that witnessing the transformative impact of Yoga on my patients’ lives brings immense satisfaction on almost a day to day basis. Seeing someone regain mobility and confidence through yoga is a reward that extends beyond personal achievements.

LNG. What’s your message on   the occasion of IDY 2024?

NA. On this International Yoga Day, I encourage everyone to embrace Yoga holistically. While its popularity is fantastic, it’s crucial to practice Yoga with mindfulness and respect for its traditional roots. Avoid treating Yoga as just a fitness fad. Understand that Yoga is a comprehensive system designed to enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Practicing with proper guidance and caution can prevent injuries and ensure you reap the full benefits. Remember, Yoga is for everyone, but it should be approached with respect and care. Don’t practice it for the sake of ‘Instagrammable’ photos. Happy International Yoga Day!


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