PANAJI: Onapukkalam is colloquial name for flower floor-art rangoli in Kerala. It is also known as Athipoo. Onapukkalam is intricate and colourful flower arrangements on floor. “Pookhalam” consists of two words “poov” meaning flowers and ‘kalam’ meaning colour sketches on the floor.
Onam marks the new year in Kerala. To celebrate Onam, circular geometric designs are made by using flowers and petals and it is considered very auspicious to make onapukkalam during the festival of onam. The decorations are done to welcome the spirit of king Mahabali, in whose honor onam is celebrated.
The legend goes that as per the boon granted by Lord Vishnu’s avatar Vamana, King Mahabali who was sent to paatal lok(netherworld) could pay a visit to his kingdom and people annually.
This tradition of making floor designs using flowers, has its origin in the temples. The deities and areas around them were decorated with flowers. Hundreds of different types of flowers bloom around Onam, inspiring and emerging tradition of flower floor designs. Over the period of time this tradition of temple floor art entered and decorated houses of common people.
To make Onapukkalam a small heap of cow dung is placed in center and is covered with flowers. Around this centre, a huge geometric design is drawn with chalk powder. After making the outline the spaces within are filled with flower petals of different colours and leaves keeping the colour scheme in mind. Due attention is given to choice of flowers and colour combination. The young girls of house dance around on the beats of drums, smell of flowers, drum beats, smiles and laughter makes it enchanting experience.

Flowers that are used in Onapukkalam:
- Thumba (Ceylon slitwort) is a tiny white flower and main component of Onapukkalam. Thumba is the only flower used for onapukkalam on Attam, the first day of onam.
- Vishu flower (cassia fistula) Kani konna is a kerala flower used as symbol of Vishu Kani a hindu ritual. It is considered auspicious flower.
- Tulsi – Tulsi is integral part of onapukkalam. Besides adding vibrancy of green colour , Tulsi adds serenity and fragrance to the onapukkalam.
- Chethi (flame of the woods) vibrant red colour added to onapukkalam is with chethi flower and is also called official onam flower.
- Jamanthi (Marigold) – one of the most used flower in onapukkalam, red,yellow white orange hues of marigold adds vibranacy to onapukkalam.
- Sankhupushpam or Butterfly pea – blue flowers with yellow center adds wow factor to onapukkalam
- Chemparthy (Hibuscus) – dark red colour is added to onapukkalam with hibiscus flower.
- Mandaram :- white big petal flower adds freshness to Onapukkalam
- Mukuthi :- vibrancy of yellow is added with Mukuthi flowers.
- Kongini (Lantana) – kongini is small size red,blue,orange,yellow white favourite and traditional onnapukalam flower
Besides these many other locally available flowers and leaves are used to make Onapukkalam like Hanuman Kereedam (red pagoda), pumpkin flowers, chrysanthemums, jasmine, tube roses, asters, Bacheor’s Buttons. For lining and finishing, sometimes whole flowers or green leaves are used. Besides flowers cereals and lentils of different colours are also used to make onnapukklam.