“Saving One Who Is Dead: a very masterful and confidently envisioned visual tale of a mother and son caught in a twilight imagining of life and death”
Czech Director Václav Kadrnka’s Saving One Who Is Dead, a Czech film which holds out a candle of hope even amidst the winter of hopelessness, has been selected for the honour of the IFFI 52 Silver Peacock for the Best Director. Inspired by the near-death experience of the Director’s father who falls into a coma, Zpráva o záchrane mrtvého invites viewers on a spiritual journey, to places man is seldom permitted to enter. To places where life huddles up tightly to death and only the resurrected can return.

The jury has praised the film to be a very masterful and confidently envisioned visual tale of a mother and son caught in a twilight which conjures imaginations of life and death, where each portrait-style frame is composed and performed with telling details.