A national conference on ‘e-NAM: Operational Difficulties and Opportunities’ is in progress at Benaulim, South Goa. The three-day conference, which concludes on Wednesday, has been organised by National Council of State Agricultural Marketing Boards and The Goa Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing Board.
Members from different State Agricultural Boards, are participating in the deliberations which include technical aspects like marketing structure, post-harvest handling protocols among others; and presentations by various States.

About eNAM:
National Agriculture Market (eNAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal which networks the existing APMC mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities.Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) is the lead agency for implementing eNAM under the aegis of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India.
VISION: To promote uniformity in agriculture marketing by streamlining of procedures across the integrated markets, removing information asymmetry between buyers and sellers and promoting real time price discovery based on actual demand and supply.
MISSION: Integration of APMCs across the country through a common online market platform to facilitate pan-India trade in agriculture commodities, providing better price discovery through transparent auction process based on quality of produce along with timely online payment.