PANAJI: Prince Ralph Colaco became the first Goan to be inducted into ‘everesting hall of fame’ with his historic achievement of climbing half the height of Mount Everest with a 18-time loop of Chandreshwar Hill, Gudi.
The 38-year-old Xaxti Riders cyclist from Velim-Salcete, is delighted with his effort and spoke to ‘Live News Goa’ about his iconic performance.
“I believe any effort requires 90 per cent mental and 10 per cent physical preparations. Mental preparation starts long before the actual day. I visualise myself doing the rides and completing it. I keep playing this picture in my head over and over again. On the day of the actual ride as the day progresses and fatigue sets in, your muscles begin to ache and your body screams to stop – that is when your focus and mental fitness comes into picture,” explained Prince.

“On the day of the ride, my initial plan was to do 15 loops of Chandreshwar parvat but at the last minute, I decided to push myself to complete half-everesting challenge (4424metres),” stated Prince while thanking his family for support.

Xaxti Riders president Sameer Nadkarni hailed the unique feat and hoped more cyclists will attempt to follow on Prince’s track.
“Having known Prince for the last few years, I am not at all surprised by his latest achievement. This is a rider who believes in himself and in self-challenge. Focussed and calm, he sets a goal and goes on to reach it.
This feat of cycling up 18 times the Chandreshwar Hill will inspire many cyclists.Young budding talent which abounds in plenty in Goa will try and emulate this feat thereby increasing their stamina.
“New cyclists will also overcome their mental block of climbing and will attempt this hill climb. We at Xaxti Riders congratulate Prince and wish him further successes in the future!,” remarked Nadkarni.
To know details of Prince Colaco’s historic achievement and everesting in general, visit: