Rotary Club of Dona Paula conducted a multi-disciplinary comprehensive health camp at Government Primary School Camrabhat, Taleigao. Despite heavy rains, locals gave a good response to the camp.
The camp was spearheaded by Community Service Director of Rotary Club of Dona Paula and Project Chair, Rtn Dr Sajal Dhond.
The camp had a variety of experts from the medical field. Dr Sajal Dhond a gynaecologist consulted the local women on their health issues. She also distributed free iron and calcium supplements to the visitors.
Dr Kritika Wagle conducted full paediatric checkup of the children who visited the camp. Dr Wagle also conducted Healthy Child Contest amongst the local children to promote nutrition and health among the children. The top 3 children were given prizes as motivation.

Dr Suprita Pai of Manipal Hospitals along with a team of nurses and technicians conducted a full body check up of patients. Dr Gaurav Haldankar of Psychiatric Society of Goa conducted one to one mental health counselling for several patients on topics such as alcohol de-addiction.
Technicians from ASG hospitals conducted comprehensive eye checkup for locals on various issues such as health of the eyes and also the power of the eyes.