India secured 39th position in Global Innovation Index among the top innovative economies globally as per Global Innovation Index (GII) 2024. As per WIPO Report 2023, India is ranked at 6th position in terms of intellectual property (IP) filings in the world. India improves its ranking to 49th position (2024) from 79th position (2019) as per Network Readiness Index (NRI) 2024 report. NRI is one of the leading global indices on the application and impact of information and communication technology (ICT) in 133 economies around the world.
ANRF (Anusandhan National Research Foundation) has been established by ANRF act 2023. The provisions of the ANRF Act, 2023 came into force on 5th February, 2024. ANRF represents India’s pioneering efforts to unleash Indian research and innovation talent to achieve global scientific and technological excellence.
The first meeting of the Executive Council of ANRF was held under the Chairmanship of Prof. Ajay K. Sood, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India on August 22, 2024. Afterwards, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi chaired the first meeting of the Governing Board of Anusandhan National Research Foundation on 10th September, 2024. The meeting focussed on discussion about India’s Science and Technology landscape and redesigning of research and development programmes.
Listed below are the recent initiatives taken under ANRF:
• ANRF has initiated Prime Minister’s Early Career Research Grant (PM ECRG) program to assist young researchers to start their research career in a S&T institution. By supporting early-career scientists, the PMECRG will play a pivotal role in advancing scientific research, enabling recipients to undertake independent and impactful research. Provisions has been made to use with a flexible budget and progressive initiatives for ease of doing research.
• ANRF has launched EV-Mission program under Mission for Advancement in High-impact Areas. The objective of the EV-Mission is to promote research & development of Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption in India, fostering an ecosystem that enables self-reliance and global competitiveness.
• A new program Partnerships for Accelerated Innovation and Research (PAIR) has been launched in form of Hub and Spoke model. The motivation of this program is to go beyond empowering researchers of higher education institutions through individual-centric research grants, to a more holistic approach of uplifting the research culture and excellence of the entire institution in a systematic manner.
• ANRF in its endeavour to facilitate equal participation of researchers from all sectors of society, has initiated the scheme Inclusivity Research Grant (IRG). IRG scheme will provide funding support to researchers belonging to the Scheduled Caste /Scheduled Tribe to undertake research in frontier areas of science and engineering. It aims to provide a platform for researchers to further their capacity and move on to mainstream research programs.
Further, roadmap for short term, medium-term and long-term research and development programmes are being developed. This will covers different program in sectoral areas; program related to Translational Research and Innovation (ATRI); establishing the ANRF Centers of Excellence (ACE); program related to support the basic Research; frameworks for international collaboration with similar institutions like the National Science Foundation, European Research Council, French National Research Agency, etc. and ANRF Research Centers to pursue interdisciplinary research at the interface of science, engineering and humanities and social sciences for addressing societal challenges as well as undertaking research on public policies.
The Union Cabinet, approved the National Quantum Mission (NQM) at a total cost of Rs.6003.65 crore for a period of eight years, aiming to seed, nurture and scale up scientific and industrial R&D and create a vibrant & innovative ecosystem in Quantum Technology.
So far, four Thematic Hubs have been established under NQM, each dedicated to a specific technology vertical: (i) Quantum Computing at IISc. Bengaluru, (ii) Quantum Communication at IIT Madras in association with C-DOT, New Delhi, (iii) Quantum Sensing & Metrology at IIT Bombay; and (iv) Quantum Materials & Devices at IIT Delhi.
These T-Hubs comprises of 14 Technical Groups having 17 Project Teams across 17 states and 2 Union Territories. These hubs bring together a total of 152 researchers from 43 institutions, including 31 Institutes of National Importance, 8 research laboratories, one university and 3 private institutes. This initiative reflects the nation’s collective ambition to lead in the rapidly evolving field of quantum technologies focussing on technology development, human resource development, entrepreneurship and international collaborations in their respective technology verticals.
NQM has prepared guidelines to support and nurture start-ups in the area of quantum technologies. These comprehensive guidelines outline a clear roadmap for start-ups to access resources, funding, mentorship and infrastructure support.
Further, establishment of Technical Group on Quantum Algorithms, creation of Centralized facilities under NQM, Curriculum on Quantum Computing and Technologies are being tentatively planned.
• Under the Geospatial Capacity Building Sub-scheme aligning with the National Geospatial Policy 2022, Spatial Thinking Program in Schools across the country has been initiated covering 7 states (Gujarat, Haryana, Odisha, Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Kerala and Rajasthan), 49 districts, 116 schools, addressing 154 teachers and reaching out to 6205 students in the current year 2024. These sessions were delivered fortnightly. In addition, two days in person workshops covering personnel from State Council of Educational Research and Training of the states of Haryana, Jammu, Kerala and Telangana have been conducted reaching out to 142 educators.
• Out of total 30 Summer/ Winter Schools and Trainings supported in Geospatial Science and Technology at various levels, conducted total including six of 03 days Geo Innovation Challenge Programs for catering the youth; total Eight of basic level Summer/Winter School (03-week programs) and six advance level Summer/Winter School (3-week programs), reaching out to total 575 participants.
• For strengthening the Geospatial Innovation Ecosystem of the country, a unique Call for Proposals was launched , aiming to form consortia connecting the academia, startups/MSME/industry & user-agency/practitioners to develop innovative solutions for societal challenges in areas like agriculture, water resources, urban planning, environment, healthcare, spatial data, risk reduction, and logistics & transportation through application of geospatial technologies.
It is tentatively planned to include five more states under the spatial thinking initiative along with a national event for networking and showcasing the learnings from Geospatial spatial thinking program. In addition, a white paper on geospatial capacity building aligning to the NGP 2022 is being planned to release, and a financial support will be provided to recommended consortium project proposals to develop innovative solutions utilizing geospatial tools and techniques.
The National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical System (NM-ICPS) aims at development of technology platforms to carry out R&D, translational research, product development, incubating & supporting startups as well as commercialization. Total 25 Technology Innovation Hubs (TIHs) have been established in the areas of advanced technologies which includes: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML), Robotics, Cyber Security, Data Analytics & Predictive Technologies, Technologies for Agriculture & Water, Technologies for Mining, Advanced Communication Systems, Quantum Technologies etc. Each TIH is created as a Section-8 Company, an independent entity within the Host Institute with the involvement of industry as potential members for co-development, partnerships and for commercialization. The following are the key achievements in the current year;
• Initiative on Large Language Modelling (LLM)/ Generative AI entitled BharatGen Launched under NM-ICPS at TIH Foundation for IoT & IoE, IIT Bombay. BharatGen is a multimodal multilingual large language model initiative, that will develop advanced generative AI models tailored to India’s linguistic, cultural, and socio-economic diversity.
• I-HUB Quantum Technology Foundation at IISER Pune of DST has selected eight pioneering startups for funding to advance quantum technologies focusing on quantum communication, computing, sensing, and materials.
Third-party evaluation of TIH, Up-gradation of four best performing among these to Technology Translation Research Parks (TTRPs), and a focus on new emerging verticals like GenAI, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 5G & beyond etc. are being tentatively planned in the coming year.
Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, GoI is mandated to formulate and deliver public policy support for the empowerment of STI in the country. To build and strengthen an institutional mechanism for a robust evidence-driven STI policy system in India, several DST-Centre for Policy Research (CPR) have been established and strengthened in various academic institutions across the country. These Centres are engaged in targeted research in a number of key areas relevant to the country, train scholars in STI policy domain, and contribute towards better STI policy making. In addition to that, to generate a critical mass of policy professionals/researchers, DST has been supporting a STI Policy Fellowship Programme (DST-STI PFP). The DST-STI PFP provides scientists, engineers and policy enthusiasts, an opportunity to gain exposure from the close quarters of policy making and contribute their knowledge and analytical skills in the STI policy realm. The fellowship provides an opportunity to develop the skills for young professionals who are interested to engage with the STI policy domain and/or as STI policy researchers contributing towards empowerment of STI policy landscape in the country. Currently, total 9 CPRs, out of which 8 CPRs are ongoing and one has newly established to carry out policy research in different STI domains.
This Mission is jointly implemented by Meity and DST, and had created 27 Peta Flop(PF) of computing capacity at 28 sites across the country till 2023. This year NSM has commissioned five supercomputing systems based on indigenously developed Rudra server. Among these systems, three of them have been dedicated to nation by PM in Sep. 2024. The system at Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi is the biggest among them with a total computing power of 3 Peta flop. The other two notable systems dedicated to nation having a computing capacity of 1 PF and 833 Tera Flop functioning at NCRA-Pune and SN Bose Insitute-Kolkatta. In 2024 additional 5 PF of computing has been added with the exceeding infra of 27 PF, thereby the NSM has created so far a total capacity of 32 PF.
In the coming calendar year, additional ~45 PF of computing infrastructure creation is envisaged using indigenously developed server and technologies.
The Department has been implementing two National missions on Climate Change. These are (a) National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) and (b) National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change (NMSKCC). Both the missions aim to build human and institutional S&T capacities, generate strategic knowledge and create awareness in the key areas of climate change science, impacts and adaptation. During the current year 2023;
• A detailed study on ‘District-level Climate Risk Assessment for India: Mapping Flood and Drought Risks Using the IPCC Framework was done and a report was prepared. The report includes district-level flood and drought hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and risk maps for each Indian state and UTs, which can help build the capacity of DST supported State Climate Change Cells and other departments and stakeholders in climate change in risk assessment for adaptation planning.
• 21-day Capacity Building Program in Glaciology, featuring on-field training at the Machoi Glacier in Drass, Ladakh, was conducted, benefiting twenty doctoral and post-doctoral students nationwide.
• Launched four new Centre of Excellence (CoE) namely: (i) Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainability at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee for promoting capacities and public-policy for resilience and sustainability through policy research, action research and knowledge integration interventions, (ii) Climate Change Research at Banaras Hindu University to study inter-linking of climate extremes, sustainable practices using high resolution advanced datasets, satellite and geospatial technology, and its implementation at ground level, (iii) Climate Information at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi to undertake modeling framework for the country through region specific model customization, (d) Climate and Disaster Resilient Agriculture at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University for better understanding of climatic risk and vulnerability of agriculture sector under current and future climate.
• Established new State Climate Change Cells (SCCCs) in the UT of Ladakh making the presence of SCCCs in all 13 state and UTs of Indian Himalayan Region.
The Department nurtures 25 Autonomous Institutions (AIs). These include 16 research & development institutions, 04 specialized knowledge and S&T service organizations, 05 professional bodies. Some of the key achievements during the year-2024 include:
• The Agharkar Research Institute (ARI) reported that soybean (MACS1810 variety) and wheat (MACS6768 SAKAS variety) breeding have yielded remarkable results, contributing to increased agricultural productivity in Maharashtra and beyond. ARI has also developed a groundbreaking process for converting rice straw into biogas without energy-intensive thermochemical pretreatment. By utilizing the anaerobic fungus Orpinomyces, the institute has achieved a methane production rate of 250-300 L per Kg of volatile solids. This process offers a sustainable and efficient solution for managing agricultural waste while generating clean energy.
• Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES) reported that a pioneering approach to continuously quantify CO contributions from fossil fuel combustion and biomass burning in the Central Himalayan region was unveiled, addressing a critical gap. Its results are of paramount importance for targeted air quality management strategies.
• Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences (BSIP) reported that a number of new facilities such as Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), Micro-Computed Tomography (Micro-CT) National facility and Coal Quality Assessment laboratory etc. were established/underway, which will enhance the understanding on monsoon behaviour, help to estimate lake volume and glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) risks in the Himalayan region, 3D reconstruction of fossil and geological material(s), and to cater the Hydrocarbon Industry.
• Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS) researchers have developed a high-performance NOx sensor that has the potential to overcome the limitations of existing sensing devices by leveraging the mixed spinel structure of ZnFe2O4 (mZFO).
• International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) signed a technology transfer agreement signed with M/s. Altmin Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad for Making Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) cathode powder material for li-ion batteries.
• Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) reported that the first 1.44-m mirror segment for the international Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) was successfully fabricated and verified at the India-TMT Optics Fabrication Facility at IIA’s CREST campus.
• Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) prepared the Technology Roadmap 2047 for the Defence Sector for DRDO. The road map envisions transforming India’s defence sector into a self-reliant, globally competitive. TIFAC prepared a document on Technology Needs for different sectors in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation and submitted it to MOEF&CC to facilitate negotiations in COP 29. Also, technology gap analysis mapping was completed for five technologically homogeneous MSME clusters in the country to address some of the aspects of decarbonization of the Indian MSME sector.
• North East Centre for Technology Application and Reach (NECTAR) focused on large scale livelihood & income generation through scientific organic farming and waste utilization of Banana Pseudo stem in NER. Other efforts of NECTAR include Stabilization of saffron cultivation and its quality assessment in entire NER and Development of the Micro entrepreneurship through techno financial support in various sectors. NECTAR has set up the 1st Community Radio Station in Meghalaya, it is a non-for-profit radio station, for rural empowerment and development intended to bring social and economic development by highlighting social issues and sharing latest information with community.
• A recommendation to support Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure (FIST) for the proposals from 115 departments across various academic institutions and Universities and 22 postgraduate colleges is given under the FIST-2024 Program, with a total allocation of ₹273.89 crores to enhance research infrastructure.
• Nine new universities were selected under the DST Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE) to strengthen the research ecosystem in universities while supporting mission-oriented research aligned with national priorities.
• Under the DST- Sophisticated Analytical & Technical Help Institute (SATHI) program, a state-of-the-art national facility, “The Centre for In-Situ & Correlative Microscopy (CISCoM),” has been established at IIT Hyderabad. This centre would be the first in the nation to enable real-time characterization across multiple length scales for fundamental and industrial R&D purposes.
In the coming year, the FIST program aims to identify 100 departments, including postgraduate colleges, while the PURSE program focuses on selecting 6-7 universities.
Department of Science and Technology (DST) has been implementing the National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI) Program with the focus on nurturing start-ups and individual innovators. Several initiatives have been taken for the development of instruments/devices/technologies at various R&D institutions such as;
• The infrastructure and outreach of the NIDHI Program to Tier II and Tier III cities was enhanced with the establishment of 8 new iTBI (Inclusive Technology Business Incubators) and 10 new NIDHI Entrepreneur-In-Residence Centres were established. Additionally, the DST-GDC IITM I-NCUBATE Program was initiated to create a robust pipeline of deep tech startups in India.
• The 11 new projects have been supported to develop technologies for Surface Engineering and Precision Manufacturing through the Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) program.
In the coming year, the following activities are being tentatively planned;
• 5 new startup incubators will be established exclusively for women innovators and entrepreneurs.
• 10 new startup incubators will be launched across various regions in the country to foster entrepreneurial growth.
• 10 new PRAYAS Centres will be established to provide enhanced support for innovators, focusing on prototyping and grants.
• New cohorts of the DST-GDC I-NCUBATE Program will be introduced to further strengthen the ecosystem for deep tech startups.
• 2 Centres of Excellence will be established to handle the Agricultural Waste in a Waste-to-Wealth approach under the Waste Management Technologies (WMT) program.
Science for Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED) in DST provides support for action-oriented and location-specific projects aimed at the socio-economic development of disadvantaged sections of society through appropriate interventions of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI).
Through its various components; Scheme for Young Scientist and Technologist (SYST) Technology Interventions for Disabled and Elderly (TIDE) Strengthening, Upscaling & Nurturing Innovations for Livelihood (SUNIL), Science & Technology for Women (STW), Support to State S&T Councils, Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCSP) and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) respectively, around 100 new projects have been supported to improve the quality of life and livelihood. During the current year-2024, the followings are the key achievements:
• Punjab State Council for Science and Technology in partnership with AIIMS-Bathinda piloted two low-cost healthcare interventions namely Non-Pneumatic Anti- Shock Garment and Uterine Tamponade Balloon for managing critical Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH) in women in Bhatinda and Faridkot districts of Punjab. The initiative led to saving of several lives, a step towards reduction of Maternal Mortality Rate in the state.
• 500 women artisans of Lambada tribal community in Dundigal Thanda were benefitted by improving their traditional skills with modern CNC machinery for the production of traditional ornaments and diversified household product and also facilitating the sale of manufactured products.
• A demo plant is established at Sihphir Venghlun in Meghalaya for post-harvest processing of ginger/turmeric through technological interventions from CSIR-CMERI with direct benefit to 128 Tribals and indirect to all the tribals living in project area.
• 15 women SHGs including more than 260 Schedule Caste beneficiaries from different locations of “Kandi” region (Hoshiarpur, Roopnagar, SAS Nagar, Gurdaspur, SBS Nagar and Pathankot) were benefitted by standardize the juice extraction techniques and value added products from Galgal (Citrus pseudolimon Tan.)
• CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI), Bhavnagar, Gujarat converted two running solar salt works into model units and developed high purity solar salt technologies for agarias community of Kutch, Gujarat (Halwad Region). A cluster of 50 small scale salt manufacturers (agarias) is formed and trained for best practices of salt manufacturing and value addition in their salt works by utilizing bittern (liquor remained after salt harvesting).
• National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli developed ‘Thirumathikart’ mobile applications and online platforms to provided women’s self-help group with real-time information. Around 200 Women entrepreneurs registered for Thirumathikart Seller app and 500+ self-help group women’s and entrepreneur trained.
• A Video Laryngoscope with Styletoscope Integrated with mobile phone to overcome difficulty in airway management for elderly has been designed and fabricated by Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
• PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore has designed and developed of a Wearable Intelligent Navigation Guidance (WING) Kit (with a Fall Predictor) for Preventing Wandering away and Falls in Elderly with Dementia.
In the coming year, establishment of Science & Technology Council in Ladakh, establishment of Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Hubs, establishment of Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) Cells in State Science & Technology Councils for mapping (gathering) information on livelihood systems, to support new proposals addressing location specific needs of vulnerable sections of society through inputs of S&T are being tentatively planned.
• DST has supported two Technology Deployment Test beds in PPP mode to be implemented by IIT Delhi – Thermax Ltd and CSIR-IICT Hyderabad – BHEL for setting up pilot-scale demonstrations in Coal Gasification plants for Methanol and DME production with industry partnering as solution provider along with a technology designer (knowledge partner) to deploy CCU in hard-to-abate sector like thermal power.
• Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology has developed an affordable, reliable dust cleaning system for mega solar power projects, reducing power output by 5-25% and achieving 52% water saving without compromising power generation.
• DST has brought out a White Paper on catalysing technology led eco-system for e-mobility which was released on 28.02.2024 by the Hon’ble Minister for State (i/c) Science and Technology, Dr. Jitendra Singh.
• DST also brought out four thematic R&D roadmaps on EV battery, EV motors and power electronics and charging infrastructure. The above four documents resulted in creation of EV Mission under Anusandhan National Research Foundation, DST, GoI.
• DST supported pilot plant project titled “Implementation of a Sustainable Bioenergy-Based Model Effluent Treatment Plant for Desiccated Coconut Industries” was inaugurated at the site of M/s. Vittal Agro Industries, Kasargod on September 02, 2024. The project was executed by National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala in collaboration with M/s. Vittal Agro Industries, Kasargod, the Coconut Development Board (CDB).
• DST India, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) have partnered to foster cooperation for human resource capacity building of Water professionals from India and the United States through the Water Advanced Research and Innovation (WARI) Fellowship Program. During Phase II, 5 interns and 5 fellows has been selected for the program’s first cohort in 2024.
In the coming year-2025, the following activities are being planned tentatively;
• To support research and development projects to recycle solar panels, for promoting a circular economy by recovering valuable materials.
• To develop a roadmap for critical materials and circularity to address supply chain issues associated with EV eco-system in the country.
• Flagship Initiative for 2025: Establish Hydrogen Valley Innovation Clusters (HVICs) to demonstrate the green hydrogen value chain—from production to utilization—at a small industrial scale.
• Under the Integrated Technology Intervention for Sustainable Environment (ITISE) program envisages to inaugurate and demonstrate the following projects at the site:
• Design, Development and Demonstration of Decentralized ETP Model for Treatment of Traditional Handloom/Weaving Cluster Wastewater at Siripuram, Ramannapeta Mandal, District- Yadadri Bhuvanagiri, in Telangana state.
• Nano/membrane technology-enabled atmospheric water generator integrated with concentrated solar PV modules at Gram Panchay at site in Chintamani Taluk of Karnataka state.
• Launched two new programmes namely, Women’s International Grants Support (WINGS) for research training in international labs and Women Leadership Programme for early and mid-level women scientists.
• More than 340 women scientists have been selected under 3 major fellowship programmes namely, WISE-PhD, WISE-PDF and WIDUSHI to carry out research in Basic and Applied Sciences.
• Under Vigyan Jyoti, more than 29,000 girls of Class IX-XII from 300 Districts of 34 States/UTs of the country benefitted through various activities and interventions.
• Under the CURIE (Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence) Programme, 22 Women PG Colleges have been selected to establish state-of-the-art research facilities.
In the coming year-2025, the following activities are being planned tentatively;
• To start the main phase of GATI programme.
• To expand support of the Vigyan Jyoti Programme at UG/PG level.
Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) is a flagship scheme of the department for attraction of talent to science. The objective of INSPIRE Programme is to attract meritorious youth to study basic and natural sciences at the college and university level, pursue research careers in both basic and applied science areas including engineering, medicine, agriculture and veterinary sciences and thus, build the required critical human resource pool for strengthening and expanding the Science & Technology system and R & D base of the country. During the year 2024;
• 34343 INSPIRE Scholars, 3363 INSPIRE Fellows and 316 INSPIRE Faculty Fellows are supported for pursuing Graduation and Post-Graduation, Doctoral and Post- Doctoral Research Career in S&T areas respectively.
• 9 INSPIRE Fellows were provided opportunity to participate in the 15th JSPS-HOPE meeting held at International Conference Centre (ICC), Kyoto, Japan during 26th February – 1st March 2024 and they showcased the research work carried out by them.
• INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship number has been enhanced from 100 to 150 per year.
• 11th National Level Exhibition and Project Competition (11th NLEPC) of INSPIRE-MANAK was organized during 17-18th, September 2024 at Hall No.2, ITPO, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. Approx. 10,000 students from Delhi & NCR visited the exhibition. Winners Felicitation Ceremony of 11th NLEPC was held on September 19th 2024 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi where 31 students selected from 350 Participants were felicitated.
• A total of 10,13,157 Nominations were received reaching the milestone of One Million entries from schools for the year 2024-25.
• Initiated a new program “Exposure visit of Japanese School Students to India” under INSPIRE-MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge) scheme. Under this program, a total of 10 students and 02 supervisors visited India during 27-31 August, 2024. During their stay in India, the Japanese school students are exposed to India’s Science and Technology advancements through visiting India’s academic and research institutes, Industry and cultural sites.
In the coming year-2025, the inclusion of students of Class 11 and 12 under INSPIRE – MANAK Scheme from year 2025 is being planned.
Department is implementing the National GLP Compliance Monitoring Programme for certification of Indian Test Facilities/laboratories, conducting non-clinical health and environment safety studies in accordance with the OECD Principles. India is full adherent to Mutual Acceptance of Data (MAD) in the Organization for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD) since March, 2011. This facilitates the acceptance of data generated in Indian GLP certified labs across all the OECD member countries and full adherent non-member countries to MAD in OECD. Key achievements under the National GLP Program during the year 2024 are as follows:
• 3 new Test facilities/ laboratories have been certified along with re-certification of 12 existing Test facilities/laboratories as GLP Compliant.
• Currently, 60 Test facilities/laboratories across India are GLP certified under the National GLP Programme.
• Head-National GLP Compliance Monitoring Authority (NGCMA), DST is the current Chair of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD’s) Working Party on GLP. This is a matter of great honour and pride, since India is first non-member, full adherent to MAD country in South-Asia to be designated on the Bureau as the Chair of the WP on GLP.
A series of innovative products and technologies developed under the Science and Heritage Research Initiative (SHRI), each reflecting the initiative’s mission to blend traditional knowledge with modern science were unveiled during the event. Among the highlights was the launch of the following:
• Kosh Shree, an encyclopedic Sanskrit dictionary and article-authoring tool powered by a crowdsourcing framework. Designed to facilitate the collaborative creation of Sanskrit articles, this specialized software allows users to prepare and publish vocabulary and dictionary volumes online, promoting the preservation and accessibility of India’s ancient language.
• A Structured Yoga Module for Diabetes Management, providing a lifestyle approach for managing adult-onset diabetes based on India’s 5,000-year-old yoga tradition.
• HerbaHeal Cream and HerbaHeal Gel are innovative herbal products designed for the effective management of wounds, cuts, and burns; these formulations are rooted in traditional knowledge from the Malayali tribal community of Tamil Nadu.
• An Advanced Electronic Jacquard for Handloom Weaving. This cutting-edge technology, entirely developed in India, combines a robust design with user-friendly software, empowering handloom weavers to produce intricate ethnic and traditional textiles with ease while preserving the rich heritage of handloom craftsmanship.
In the coming year – 2025, the following key activities are being tentatively planned:
• Creation of Centre of Excellence on Heritage Textiles
• Creation of a Centre of Excellence on Yoga and Meditation for preventive health and holistic wellness
• Development of a program on Traditional Healing Practices
TDB signed seven loan agreements in 2024, fostering technological innovation across diverse sectors. With a total project cost of ₹435.94 crore, including ₹220.73 crore of TDB’s assistance, these projects aim to drive advancements in healthcare, energy, space, agriculture, and engineering.
• M/s Alchem Synthon Pvt. Ltd. in Maharashtra is advancing the development and commercialization of pharmaceutical intermediates and specialty chemicals, contributing to India’s chemical sector growth.
• M/s Remine India Private Limited in Uttarakhand is addressing sustainability challenges by setting up a facility for Li battery and e-waste recycling, promoting efficient energy and waste utilization.
• M/s Sahajananad Medical Technologies Ltd. in Gujarat is enhancing healthcare solutions with the development of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI), advancing medical technology for critical heart conditions.
• M/s Dhruva Space Private Limited in Telangana is establishing a state-of-the-art solar array fabrication and testing facility, boosting India’s capabilities in space technology.
• M/s Krishigati Pvt. Ltd. in Maharashtra is innovating agriculture with an axle-less multipurpose electric vehicle designed for modern and precision farming practices.
• M/s Midwest Advanced Materials Private Limited in Maharashtra is focusing on the indigenous production of rare earth magnets for e-mobility, supporting engineering advancements in sustainable transportation.
• M/s Agnikul Cosmos Pvt. Ltd. in Tamil Nadu is developing modular launch vehicles for small payloads, strengthening India’s commercial space sector.
In addition, TDB facilitated twelve international bilateral projects between January and December 2024, fostering innovation and strengthening global collaborations. With a contribution of ₹29.64 crore from TDB, these projects span diverse sectors, including healthcare, IT, energy, climate, agriculture, and defence. The collaborations involve esteemed international partners from countries such as Israel, the United Kingdom, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, and Singapore, underscoring TDB’s commitment to advancing technological excellence on a global scale.
In continuation to the Vaishvik Bharatiya Vaigyanik (VAIBHAV) Summit which was held to connect Indian STEM diaspora with Indian Institutions, the Government of India implemented the VAIBHAV Fellowship Programme in 2023 through Department of Science and Technology (DST). The fellowship was divided into two categories:
• VAIBHAV Fellowship (VF) (selection through open call),
• Distinguished VAIBHAV Fellowship (DVF) (selection through nominations; no open calls are announced for this fellowship)
Under 1st call of VAIBHAV Fellowship, a total of 302 proposals were received and 22 applicants were recommended for the award and the results were announced on 23 Jan 2024 by Hon’ble S&T Minister. Also, nominations for Distinguished VAIBHAV Fellows were called in year 2023 from scientific Ministries, NITI Aayog, PSA office etc. and 02 nominees were recommended for award.
The second call of VAIBHAV Fellowships was announced in year 2024 and a total of 216 proposals were received under this call. The results may be announced by end of December 2024. The next nominations for DVF may be called in December 2024/January 2025.