A crucial meeting regarding the preparations for the upcoming 37th National Games was convened at the SAG Conference Hall, Athletics Stadium, Bambolim. The meeting saw the active participation of key stakeholders, including National Games Technical Conduct Committee (GTCC) Chairman Amitabh Sharma, SAG Executive Director Dr. Geeta Nagvenkar, and Goa Olympic Association Secretary-General Gurudatta Bhakta. Also present were Presidents, Secretaries, and authorised representatives from State Sports Associations representing the various sports disciplines.

Addressing the assembly, GTCC Chairman Amitabh Sharma underscored the primary objective of the meeting – fostering meaningful interactions with the representatives of State Sports Associations. He highlighted the significance of collaborative efforts in ensuring the resounding success of the 37th National Games.

Sharma announced that the grand opening ceremony of the much-anticipated event is scheduled for October 25, 2023, while the closing ceremony will take place on November 9, 2023. Expressing optimism, Sharma assured that the necessary infrastructure will be ready within the stipulated timeframe. He noted that the deadline of September 30 has been earmarked for the refurbishment of all stadiums. He emphasized that while no new stadiums are being constructed, refurbishment endeavors are well underway, and the progress is being monitored.

The organizers’ are making concerted efforts to invite eminent Olympians to grace the National Games. Athletes of the caliber of Mirabai Chanu, Neeraj Chopra, Nikhat Zareen, P. V. Sindhu, and other luminaries are being earnestly pursued to be a part of this monumental event, said Sharma who was hopeful that the Games will be graced by the Countries topmost athletes.

Sharma further informed that the entry system for participants will be opened shortly on the online portal, with the deadline for entries set around 30 days prior to the commencement of the games. He emphasised that this step aims to ensure a smooth and systematic registration process. Additionally, Sharma shared that the dates for various disciplines are currently being finalised in close coordination with National Sports Federations. These deliberations are being guided by the international schedules of players, ensuring optimal participation and performance.

Addressing the Associations, SAG Executive Director Dr. Geeta Nagvenkar announced that the Government had granted crucial approvals to various sports associations for the conduct of comprehensive coaching camps. These camps aim to hone the skills of athletes in preparation for the National Games. Dr. Nagvenkar added that the necessary funds would be expeditiously released to facilitate the smooth execution of these coaching initiatives including equipment requirements. Moreover, she assured that suitable venues will be promptly provided to respective associations, allowing them to commence their coaching camps without delay.

GOA Secretary General Gurudatta Bhakta expressed his concerns about the pace of ongoing works. He urged for expedited efforts to ensure the swift and punctual completion of all pending tasks, underlining the pivotal role that timeliness plays in delivering a spectacular National Games.

Representatives from various State Sports Associations unanimously voiced their desire for greater involvement in the organizational aspects of the 37th National Games. The Associations collectively expressed their commitment and eagerness to actively contribute to ensuring the resounding success of the prestigious Games.


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