On the occasion of World Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Manipal Hospitals Goa rolled out an initiative to educate the girls and women for their well-being; with a health talk at Don Bosco College, Panaji.

The programme, which was spearheaded by Dr. Sophia Rodrigues – Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Manipal Hospitals, Goa; was conducted to create awareness regarding breast cancer, covered themes like risk factors, symptoms, prevention strategies, screening and early detection of breast cancer for its early treatment. Dr. Sophia Rodrigues, also taught the students along with the teachers how to do breast self-exam.

In the entire world, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer. One woman every four minutes is diagnosed with breast cancer in India and one woman dies of breast cancer every thirteen minutes in India.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Sophia Rodrigues said: “The single most essential thing we can do to lessen the worldwide burden of cancers is to create surroundings and communities that make it simpler for people to adopt healthy behaviours and prevent cancers from occurring in the first place. Tobacco, obesity, physical inactivity, infections, alcohol, environmental pollution, occupational carcinogens, and UV radiation are a few examples of risk factors that should be minimised. It is also crucial to implement immunisation programmes against HBV and HPV in groups that are at risk. The global cancer burden may be reduced by reducing exposure to other carcinogens such radiation, occupational carcinogens, and environmental pollution.”

“Breast cancers are among the most common cancers in women and hence an important public health issue. Due to lack of cancer awareness, variable pathology, most women report at advanced stages, adversely affecting the prognosis and clinical outcomes. Breast cancer can be preventable and curable,” added Dr. Sophia.

The Health Talk was also attended by Neha Talaulikar–Asst Professor, Glenda Mascarenhas–Asst Professor, Sonali Naik–Asst Professor, Shona Desilva–Asst Professor, & Shreesha P J–Asst Professor at Don Bosco College, Panaji. Dr. Cedric Silveira-Principal Don Bosco College, Panaji, lauded the efforts of Manipal Hospitals Goa in organising the health talk and said that active participation and health talks like these would help girls and women in creating awareness on breast cancer. Timely screening and prevention to follow the mission of cancer is the need of the hour.


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