Directorate of Health Services (DHS) and PWD have not found anything wrong with the quality of water at SAG’s swimming pool complex at Campal, Panaji.

Speculation has been rife that the filtration was not as per the required standards ever since the renovated facility was reopened last year.

However, the display of the test reports by DHS and PHE Laboratory of PWD, on the noticeboard at the entrance of the pool complex, dispels all the doubts.

DHS’ ‘Bacteriological examination’ remark for baby pool, warm up pool and Olympic pool says: “The sample of water analysed is found free from Coliform organisms, the water therefore can be recommended for human consumption after assessing its chemical analysis.”

Similarly, the PWD’s test results pertaining to physical analysis in terms of colour, odour, taste, turbidity, pH; chemical parameters – total hardness, total dissolved solids, Chlorides, Residual Chlorine; Bacteriological analysis – MPN of coliform organisms, MPN of E.Coli; have all been in the ‘acceptable’ range giving them no causes for rejection.

Incharge of Swimming Pool complex, Albert Dourado, says: “Do not be carried away by rumours. We are very transparent with regards to maintenance and water-testing, which is done in accordance to WHO standards. The samples are analysed and tested periodically by DHS and most recently PWD. The results are displayed to public on the noticeboard.”

While the Diving pool is still under renovation, the wait is nearing an end. According to Albert, the pool will be open for public in a week’s time. He also added that the filtration plant runs continuously everyday. A process called ‘back wash’ which is undertaken by using water brought by 4 to 5 tankers of 14,000 litres capacity each, is a necessity for efficient output of the plant.

It is no secret that Sports Minister Govind Gaude has kept a close watch on the infrastructural developmental works. SAG executive director Geeta Nagvenkar is now also ensuring that the swimming pool complex is able to meet the requirements of the competitive swimmers as well as members of the public. Not to forget the efforts of SAG Technical Section headed by SE Rangaraju, staff of swimming pool and SAG Accounts section headed by Sandhya Phaldessai, Joint-Director (Accounts).

Meanwhile here are the timings for public usage of swimming pool complex: Tuesday,, Thursday and Friday 7.45 to 10.30 am & 7 to 8 pm; Wednesday & Saturday – 7.45 to 10.30 am & 3 to 7pm; Sunday – 6 to 10.30am, 3 to 7 pm.


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