The best way to break the shackles of your comfort zone in the rainy season, is to go trekking! And the most trusted organisation conducting such activities in Goa is the Youth Hostels Association of India’s Goa branch, which has various units across the state. The YHAI Panjim unit organised the 2024 season’s first trek to a spectacular waterfall in the Golauli village of Sattari taluka on Sunday.

Trekking to a waterfall destination is the most exciting physical activity as it implies various challenges along the way. And with heavy rains forecast to the degree of a Red Alert, the 100-odd trekkers out on the expedition were on for an invigorating experience.

While the rains stayed away and most part of the morning session was sunny; the route from the Golauli village to the hidden waterfall comprised dense vegetation, sloping terrain and slippery rocks thereby testing the physical as well as mental fitness of the trekkers, some of whom were first-timers.

The age-group of the participants varied from a mere 10 years to around 70 years and a large number of the trekkers, was made up of women. The beauty of trekking activity in Goa, especially with the YHAI is the familial feel and the bond that develops between the trekkers because of the strict guidelines against littering and other vices. This driven bunch of nature-lovers had a strong desire and respect for efforts to preserve and conserve the nature! Sadly, most of the privately mushrooming trekking outfits don’t adhere to such guidelines and as such, create a nuisance not just at the waterfalls but also in the quiet villages.

The youngsters and the senior citizens put in exemplary efforts to get the best out of the trek to Golauli waterfall. Whatever it took, they put their best foot forward and their energy propelled the group. The local Trek Guides were tireless as they cut through the wilderness to open up the way for all of us to charge and recharge! Wherever the ascent and descent was too risky on their own, a rope was used to help the trekkers endure the nuances.

Following around four hours of walking covering approximately 10 kilometres (to and fro), the trekkers shared their joy of creating the pathway for others to follow in this exotic Monsoons! Go Golauli…


  1. Thanks for the story on Golauli waterfall… it is on my wish list to explore on a trek… love your other stories too


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