PANAJI: Prof. Edward de Lima’s book titled ‘Tales of Socorro’ was released here on Wednesday.
According to the author, the book comprises stories of common men and women who lived in Socorro (now a part of ever-growing Porvorim) some 50 or 60 years ago. “Most of the stories are true happenings narrated to me during my childhood by my grandparents and elders of our ‘vaddo’,” writes Prof de Lima in the Author’s Note.

As Porvorim marches towards becoming a new municipality, the author fears: “The way of life and the culture of this village is fast disintegrating and it will be difficult to believe that the characters I have delineated in my tales, really existed once upon a time. “
Renowned psychiatrist and actor, Dr Meenacshi Martins was the chief guest and emphasised the importance of connecting the new generation to our ancestral era with the help of books like ‘Tales of Socorro.’
Famed heritage promoter and TV personality from Goa, Sanjeev V Sardesai reviewed the book and remarked it as a must-read for ‘Porvorkars’ (Porvorim-residents) in particular.