ONGC-Advanced Training Institute, Betul, in collaboration with Goa State Disaster Management Authority; conducted a Table Top Exercise and Mock Drill at Advanced Training Institute, Betul in South Goa. It was part of the Fire Service Week-2024 (14th April – 20th April).
The Mock Drill was conducted for the first time at Advanced Training Institute, Betul on such a larger scale involving Goa SDMA, District Disaster Management Authorities (North and South Goa), Goa Police, Goa Fire and Emergency Services, Health Department to oversee the preparedness for Fire Hazard. Prior to this Exercise, a Table Top Exercise was also conducted on at 11 am at 1st Floor, Conference Hall, R&D Building, ONGC-Advanced Training Institute, Betul to set the stage for successful conduct of the ME by exercising and rehearsing key disaster managers in their roles and responsibilities with respect to emerging emergency situations through simulated scenarios particularly those to be played in the impending ME, discern gaps prior to the ME and evolve viable action plans.
For conduct of the Mock Fire Drill, the R&D building of ATI ONGC was chosen. Alok Kumar, Manager (Fire Services), ONGC, moderated the Table Top Exercise and apprised the participants on the Scenario painted during the exercise including: A major Fire incident by Short Circuit of AC in the R&D building of ATI ONGC, Cordoning of the area by Goa Police, Prophylactic evacuation of the building, Search and Rescue Operation by ONGC Rescue Team, Specialised Rescue by Goa Fire Services, First Aid and Triage by ONGC Medical Team.
The Mock Exercise commenced at 3 pm with the blowing of the Sirens by the ONGC Fire Team to announce the Fire Emergency in the Campus.
A total of 25 people were evacuated from building engulfed in smoke by in-house Fire Fighting Team of ONGC led by Sanjay Kumar, Chief General Manager (Fire Services) via Emergency Fire Exits, followed by Search and Rescue Operation of the stranded people with additional support by the Goa Fire Services. During the SAR Operation, onsite Triage and First Aid was done by Medical Teams (Doctors, Paramedics) led by Dr. Vikas Mahalkar, Senior Medical Officer from ATI ONGC followed by transportation of the severely injured to the Relief Camps via ambulances and deceased via hearse vans.
Dashrat Gawas, Mamlatdar Quepem, South Goa was assigned the charge of the Incident Commander relieving Sanjeev Singhal, ED-Head of ATI ONGC. Nitin Naik, was assigned the task of Observer for monitoring the best practices and lessons learnt from the Mock exercise. Naik visited all the sites to record the proceedings of the Mock Exercise including best practices and grey areas for improvement.
As per the instructions of Goa State Disaster Management Authority, Emergency Response Support System (Dial 112) Service was used to seek the emergency support (Fire Services, Ambulance Service and Police Assistance) during the Mock Drill on Fire Hazard and to record the response time by the said Emergency Services.
After the mock exercise, a debriefing session was conducted at Conference Hall, R&D Building, ATI ONGC with the SDMA, ONGC Team, DDMAs, DHS, Goa Police and Goa F&ES including the 01 Lead Observer from SDMA. During the session, both Government Stakeholders and ONGC Team were asked about the conduct of Mock Exercise as per the painted Scenarios. The ONGC Team stated that the exercise was conducted smoothly and there was no report of any injury during all the phases of the event.
Nitin Naik, Observer for the Drill discussed the observations recorded during the Mock Exercise and stressed upon the scope of improvement. Gowhar Jeelani, Senior Consultant Goa SDMA praised ONGC Team, DDMA North & South Goa and all the Line Departments for the excellent performance despite conducting such Exercise at a large scale at the very first time. He was confident about the areas that the ATI can improve upon for enhancing the level of preparedness for fire incidents and all other possible disaster situations.
Sanjeev Singhal, Head ATI ONGC in his concluding remarks congratulated all the line departments and both DDMAs and said that Government of Goa is committed to have the best possible Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in place for a Disaster Resilient Goa, states a pres srelease.