‘IoT’- Do you get a feeling like, yes, I am quite familiar with the term, but do not know what it actually means or these techy terms change almost everyday; it must be one of them, that I coming from a non-technical background, will not understand. If you are already feeling the above mentions, then you are in the right place because by the end of the article you are not only going to confidently claim that you understand what this hyped topic is, but you are also going to understand why ‘IoT’ is so hyped in the first place!

Now, let’s begin the adventure…

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
The Internet of Things describes the network of physical objects—a.k.a. “things” that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet.

Where is ‘IoT’ in the real world?
‘IoT’ is nothing fancy, but a term used for a technology that makes lives much simpler. It has built a smarter world where machines command actions. Smart refrigerators & smart air-conditioners that can be controlled by phone application, smart watches that measure your heart pulse, smartphones that can turn any device off, smart oven that heats itself 5 minutes before you reach home, smart cars and even smart cities. Every device that has got the intelligence of its own is an outcome of ‘IoT’.

How does ‘IoT’ work?
‘IoT’ is implemented through sensors (hardware) that are embedded in physical devices. Sensors collect the sensitive data and emit the working state of the devices. These devices dump their data on a common platform in a common (machine) language. This platform is called cloud which is connected to these devices through the Internet. The cloud integrates the data received from various sensors and analyses it. The valuable information is extracted from the data as per the requirement. Furthermore, the result is shared with other devices for better user experience automation and improving efficiency.

Ever wondered how you get those notifications about the status of the delivery when you make a purchase via e-commerce?The answer is simple; it is ‘IoT’ who does it. When the products are shipped out of the company, a unique barcode is attached to the product. This bar code contains the product code, manufacturer details, special instructions and other sensitive data. With this data, the product can be tracked timely, and you are updated with your purchased product.

‘IoT’ is not a luxury, but is slowly turning into a need. The machines are automated and help humans to work less. It is the most hyped technology in the Industry and promises employment to the people who are skilled at the same. ‘IoT’ will develop increasingly as more and more devices become AI-enabled. ‘IoT’ software and hardware are expected to see significant growth in the coming years due to changing Industry dynamics, Economic stimulus and Remote access demand. It is going to be in the top 10 sectors of smart manufacturing and healthcare Industries.

AI-enabled ‘IoT’ devices can have applications like Clinical Decision Making, Thermal Image Recognition, Surgical Assistance, Smart Clinics and Telemedicine Centres. Companies like SAP, Siemens, IBM and Cisco are currently working on making all new ‘IoT’ applications.

It is expected, there will be 35 Billion ‘IoT’ devices installed worldwide by 2021 and 75.44 Billion by 2025. To get into the ‘IoT’ industry, knowledge of Information security, AI & machine Learning, Networking, Hardware Interfacing and Business Intelligence tools & UX/UI design are a must. Because as vague may it sound, the human is not evolving the technology anymore, the technology is evolving the human!


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